Share by communicating

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I’ve been looking for a good explanation to the concurrency slogan:

Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating

Having found none that satisfy my requirements:

this post is my take on explaining the subject.

After reading it one should be able to get an idea of ‘Share by Communicating’ model, how it’s different from ‘Communicate by Sharing’ model and how they both solve problem of access and modification a shared resource.

All [examples] provided are in Go.


Let’s imagine we have access to a bank account:

type Account interface {
  Balance() int

type Bank struct {
  account Account

func NewBank(account Account) *Bank {
  return &Bank{account: account}

func (bank *Bank) Withdraw(amount uint, actor_name string) {
  fmt.Println("[-]", amount, actor_name)

func (bank *Bank) Deposit(amount uint, actor_name string) {
  fmt.Println("[+]", amount, actor_name)

func (bank *Bank) Balance() int {
  return bank.account.Balance()

Since Account is an interface its simplest implementation may look like this

type SimpleAccount struct {
  balance int

func NewSimpleAccount(balance int) *SimpleAccount {
  return &SimpleAccount{balance: balance}

func (acc *SimpleAccount) Deposit(amount uint) {
  acc.setBalance(acc.balance + int(amount))

func (acc *SimpleAccount) Withdraw(amount uint) {
  if acc.balance >= int(amount) {
    acc.setBalance(acc.balance - int(amount))
  } else {
    panic("Not enough funds")

func (acc *SimpleAccount) Balance() int {
  return acc.balance

func (acc *SimpleAccount) setBalance(balance int) {
  acc.balance = balance

func (acc *SimpleAccount) add_some_latency() {
  // add some latency here
  <-time.After(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)

You may have noticed that balance is not modified directly but inside setBalance method. This is ‘by design’ to help describe the problem. It’ll be explained later on.

Having all pieces ready bank account could be used like this:

func main() {
  balance := 80

  b := bank.NewBank(bank.NewSimpleAccount(balance))

  fmt.Println("Initial balance", b.Balance())

  b.Withdraw(30, "GF")

  fmt.Println("Final balance", b.Balance())

Running above code yields:

Initial balance 80
[-] 30 GF
Final balance 50

It’s all good!

In real life, though, a bank account has many clients: funds get withdrawn and deposited by different parties. Let’s reflect this in code:

func main() {
  balance := 80

  b := bank.NewBank(bank.NewSimpleAccount(balance))

  fmt.Println("Initial balance", b.Balance())

  done := make(chan bool)

  go func() { b.Withdraw(30, "GF"); done <- true }()
  go func() { b.Withdraw(10, "RA"); done <- true }()

  // wait until goroutines finish

  fmt.Println("Final balance", b.Balance())

Here 2 concurrent processes withdraw from our bank account. Which yields:

Initial balance 80
[-] 30 GF
[-] 10 RA
Final balance 70

Wow, not too bad! Unfortunately the result is clearly incorrect, as having 40 withdrawn from 80 results in 40 and not 70 in final balance.

Something is wrong with code above. Let’s examine why it happens.


Invalid state is very likely to occur whenever a number of processes shares a resource.

In our case we ended up having wrong final balance (invalid state) of the bank account(shared resource) after 2 processes tried to withdraw funds in the same time.

Let’s visualize the process:


1.  get balance        80  |  80
2.  withdraw          -30  | -10
3.  new balance        50  |  70
                       ... |  ...
4.  set balance        50  ?  70
5.  last write wins        |
6.  final balance         70

... here describes possible latency implemented with add_some_latency method to model real-world communication delays (IE when persisting data). So final balance value becomes the one last running process sets it to.


This post demonstrates 2 solutions to the problem described:

All solutions work around flawed SimpleAccount by wrapping it and implementing “protection” mechanisms.

Shared Memory solution

Aka “Communicate by sharing” part of the slogan.

As name implies a locking mechanism is used to prevent simultaneous access and modification of a shared resource. Lock “communicates” to other processes that resource is being used by a process and therefore they need to wait until it’s available again.

Let’s see how LockingAccount is implemented.

type LockingAccount struct {
  lock    sync.Mutex
  account *SimpleAccount

// wraps around SimpleAccount
func NewLockingAccount(balance int) *LockingAccount {
  return &LockingAccoun{account: NewSimpleAccount(balance)}

func (acc *LockingAccount) Deposit(amount uint) {
  defer acc.lock.Unlock()

func (acc *LockingAccount) Withdraw(amount uint) {
  defer acc.lock.Unlock()

func (acc *LockingAccount) Balance() int {
  defer acc.lock.Unlock()
  return acc.account.Balance()

Pretty straightforward.

Note lock sync.Lock, lock.Lock() and lock.Unlock().

Every time a process accesses the balance(shared resource) a lock gets set until completion.

Our LockingAccount use case may look like this now:

func main() {
  balance := 80

  b := bank.NewBank(bank.NewLockingAccount(balance))

  fmt.Println("Initial balance", b.Balance())

  done := make(chan bool)

  go func() { b.Withdraw(30, "GF"); done <- true }()
  go func() { b.Withdraw(10, "RA"); done <- true }()

  // wait until goroutines finish

  fmt.Println("Final balance", b.Balance())

running the code yields:

Initial balance 80
[-] 30 GF
[-] 10 RA
Final balance 40

Yay! It’s correct now.

In this case the first process to access account gains exclusive lock preventing other processes from accessing the resource. Those processes just wait around until lock is lifted.

Let’s visualize the process, assuming “GF” gets to the resource first:

Lock()                ><
get balance        80  |
withdraw          -30  |
new balance        50  |
                   ... |
set balance        50  |
Unlock()              <>
current balance       50
Lock()                ><
get balance            |  50
withdraw               | -10
new balance            |  40
                       |  ...
set balance            |  40
Unlock()              <>
final balance          40

Now we have processes accessing shared resource sequentially producing deterministic results.

Share by Communicating solution

Aka “Share by Communicating” part of the slogan

Now account is named ConcurrentAccount and looks like this:

type ConcurrentAccount struct {
  account     *SimpleAccount
  deposits    chan uint
  withdrawals chan uint
  balances    chan chan int

func NewConcurrentAccount(amount int) *ConcurrentAccount {

  acc := &ConcurrentAccount{
    account:     &SimpleAccount{balance: amount},
    deposits:    make(chan uint),
    withdrawals: make(chan uint),
    balances:    make(chan chan int),

  return acc

func (acc *ConcurrentAccount) Balance() int {
  ch := make(chan int)
  acc.balances <- ch
  return <-ch
func (acc *ConcurrentAccount) Deposit(amount uint) {
  acc.deposits <- amount

func (acc *ConcurrentAccount) Withdraw(amount uint) {
  acc.withdrawals <- amount

func (acc *ConcurrentAccount) listen() {
  go func() {
    for {
      select {
      case amnt := <-acc.deposits:
      case amnt := <-acc.withdrawals:
      case ch := <-acc.balances:
        ch <- acc.account.Balance()

Again ConcurrentAccount wraps around flawed SimpleAccount adding communication channels.

The code and results are similar to locking version except that bank gets created with concurrent account:

b := bank.NewBank(bank.NewConcurrentAccount(balance))

Running it this time yields correct results just like with locking solution:

Initial balance 80
[-] 30 GF
[-] 10 RA
Final balance 40

Let’s get into details here.

How Share by Comminicating works

Few basic observations:

Let’s go through Balance() as example:

    A Process              | Controlling Process
1.     b.Balance()         |
2.             ch -> [acc.balances]-> ch
3.             <-ch        |  balance = acc.account.Balance()
4.     return  balance <-[ch]<- balance
5                          |

What each process does

A Process
  1. calls b.Balance()
  2. communicates a newly created channel ch though the acc.balances channel so that Controlling Process can communicate balance back through the ch
  3. waits <-ch for the balance value to be received
  4. receives balance value
  5. continues
Controlling process
  1. idle-ing or handing smth
  2. receives balance request through acc.balances channel with a channel ch to send value back into
  3. gets the actual balance value
  4. sends balance value down the ch pipe
  5. ready to handle new requests

Controlling process processes one event at a time. That is that during steps 2-4 no other operations are performed except ones described.


This post describes problem and possible solutions but doesn’t go into advantages or disadvantages of each solution.

Following posts will elaborate on that matter as well as suggest improved solutions.

Feel free to point to my mistakes.

Thanks for reading this far.

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